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Transparency is one of our closely-held values, and this shapes our day-to-day communication.


Most of our work is done transparently, such as in unlocked or “public” Slack and Campsite channels. When possible, try to communicate in a transparent space. For example, if you have a question for a teammate, please post it in a public channel, rather than sending a DM. This allows the content to be searchable and more easily referenced in the future.

Sharing work, decisions, and changes related to the customer experience are some of the most important categories to be transparent about. The specifics of this may depend on the feature and the team you’re on, but please communicate any user experience changes with Advocacy, EPD, and Marketing channels.

For transparency of live communication like Zoom or phone calls, consider the options listed here: Transparency of Zoom calls

Things that are generally not transparent:

Non-transparent channels

We do use several “private” channels to discuss personnel or other sensitive topics. Here are several of those, and the purposes they serve. If you’re a member of a private channel used for sensitive or personnel topics, please list it here for transparency.

(Last updated Sep 2024)

Channel Participants Purpose
lead-execs Joel, Åsa, Caro, Mandy, Jenna Private comms and general bonding amongst exec team + EAs.
lead-heads-of Joel, Åsa, Caro, Mike SR, Jenny, Simon, Hailley, Martin, and Mandy & Jenna For sensitive or personnel topics discussed among senior leadership.
leadership * All People Managers