We are proud to be a global company! Unfortunately, we do not have an even timezone split across the company, so some timezones end up in the majority. Usually, these are the AMER and EMEA timezones, with APAC being in the minority. Because of this and our commitment to flexibility and transparency, it’s most effective for our global team if we use a foundation of asynchronous tools. However, we are not a purely asynchronous company; there are many cases where synchronous tools are necessary and preferred. Depending on timezone split, some teams need to be creative about synchronous communication.

Commonly used terms around managing timezones:

Here are some commonly used terms:

Timezone groups:

Sync vs Async

Sometimes it’s not obvious which tool to use. If you’re not sure where to share an update or discuss a topic, here’s a quick measure to use:

General philosophy: We try to live by the idea of “give flexibility and get flexibility.”

We try to be flexible with each other when possible. When you are able, please be willing to move a meeting, get up early, or stay on late to make it easier for another teammate to participate in a synchronous discussion. In exchange, they will offer the same courtesy to you. This means that we try to make ourselves available for standing or scheduled meetings even beyond the “typical” work day hours. As a general guidance, our flexible work day goes from 8am - 6pm local time, with a request for flexibility as needed outside of those hours to accommodate team timezone splits, or other special situations. Please note that this does not mean you’re expected to be at your computer or “available” on Slack for all of those hours every day.