2024 marked the first year that we had several tenured teammates with options expiring (stock options expire 10 years from the grant date unless exercised and converted to stock).

This is a really exciting milestone and underscores our dedication to ensuring that ownership and control of the company remain with those who are actively contributing to our success.

*Note: Due to the timing of the options expiring, we did not execute a cashless exercise. Instead, each individual exercised and then then participated in a Buffer stock buyback.

For teammates with options expiring this year we:

Note: A benefit of covering all or a portion of these costs yourself is that you will be able to maintain more of the shares.

Here are the details of those that participated:

Name Number of Shares Repurchased Purchase Price
Caro Kopprasch 72,942 $2.64/share
Adam Farmer 7,193 $2.64/share
Åsa Nystrom 11,707 $2.64/share
Colin Ross 21,612 $2.64/share
Steven Cheng 6,011 $2.64/share

In total, Buffer spent $259,639 in this buyback ($315,388 minus the funds received through each person’s exercise).

This is a really fun milestone to celebrate and the start of what we envision will be a regular liquidity event as apart of equity benefits we want to offer teammates.