We value deep work and async communication, but we also recognize that connection fuels collaboration, engagement, and belonging. Strong relationships make work more fulfilling, help us collaborate more effectively, and ensure that everyone feels supported. When we take the time to get to know each other beyond our roles, we build trust, strengthen teamwork, and create an environment where everyone can do their best work while feeling genuinely valued.
Below are a few ways we connect as a team at Buffer.
Masterminds are structured, 1-hour session on a bi-weekly basis with someone at a peer level in the company (manager-manager, IC-IC).
Masterminds are designed to establish a deep connection with a peer outside your immediate area for long-term support, accountability, and continuity.
After you've been at Buffer for around 90 days, you'll receive a mastermind partner and begin to meet with them every other week or so.
Learn more about Masterminds here: Peer Masterminds at Buffer
Donut Pair Calls are random weekly social pairings with someone in Buffer.
To participate in pair calls, simply join the people-pairs channel in Slack. The slackbot will automatically pair you with a pair call buddy each week.
Either one of you can schedule a chat by checking each other’s calendars.
Pair calls are typically shorter calls and may last around 30 minutes. You can chat to your pair about what you've accomplished during the week, as well as your improvement(s) that week and, really, anything at all!
Learn more about Donut calls here:
1:1 Meetings with your manager (and sometimes peers) are an essential part of staying aligned, supported, and engaged. These meetings are a dedicated space to check in on work, goals, and well-being. We encourage an open and transparent approach—this is your time to bring up anything that’s on your mind.