Our top priorities as Bufferoos:

Fulfilling the duties of your role.

These will be defined by your manager with input from you and your team, as described in your job description. This includes:

Living and working in accordance with our values.

We do not expect anyone to be perfect at this; our values are aspirational, and we collectively lift each other up toward these ideals. This includes:

Participating as a Bufferoo.

In addition to your day-to-day work with your area team, you will be expected to keep up with the product and industry, read the information that is shared company-wide, and participate in some of our cultural rituals. This includes:

What’s optional and what isn’t?

The list laid out above covers what’s expected of us as Bufferoos. Within this list, of course there is room for you to make a judgement call on your own priorities, deadlines, and availability. You can seek advice from your manager, role buddy, and area team on how to best manage your time and priorities. Some weeks, you may choose to stay focused on tasks and not participate in any culture-building activities; this is within your scope to make a judgement call about. However, if every week ends up like this, then please start a conversation with your manager about that.