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Here is a bit more about how we talk about each value, and what that means for our day-to-day work.


Inspired by Tony Hsieh at Zappos and Netflix’s culture deck, we set out to capture our company values very early in our journey. As a team of about 10 people, we articulated 10 phrases that encapsulated our company values. These were heavily based on our personal values as well as how we wanted to show up as a company, to each other, to our customers, and to the startup community as a whole. We’ve since updated the wording, but you’ll see many themes extend from this original set.

The original 10 values:

Screenshot 2024-09-18 at 12.04.44 PM.png

Update to 6 values in 2018:

Screenshot 2024-09-18 at 12.05.47 PM.png

We hope that by stating these clearly and making them so fundamental to our work and culture, we can continually strive toward these ideals as individuals and as a group, make decisions based on their guidance, and attract and retain a team of people who will help us continually build toward them. Bufferoos are expected to challenge ourselves and each other to live and work by these values every day by regularly discussing these concepts, keeping them top-of-mind in decisions, and acknowledging mistakes and failures along the way so we can collectively learn and grow. In fact, we regularly give each other feedback and reminders. There is no shame in this because we recognize that none of us is doing any of this perfectly. They are ideals that we strive for every day.

More on each value, and what these look like in practice:

Choose Optimism

Default to Transparency

Improve consistently

Be a No-Ego Doer

Show Gratitude

Reflect to Unblock