Team Expenses are tracked here.

💻 Buffer provides each teammate with a laptop or PC from their first day at Buffer and every 3 years after.

What laptop specs we recommend & cover:

Note: If you’re purchasing an Apple product through an authorized dealer, feel free to opt for a 13” with the below specs if preferred or easier to get in your area.

Advocacy, Marketing & People Teams



Finance Team

*updated May 2024



Product, Engineering, Design & Advocacy Escalation Teams

*updated November 2023


Mobile Engineers Only:

Option for non-engineers, Linux or Windows:

Note: Engineers, we ask you to use a Mac computer.

<aside> âť“ Questions about the models listed above? As computing requirements vary from team to team, we defer to your area lead to make the call on which machine is most appropriate for your work. Please talk to your manager for guidance if you have any questions on the specs.


Guidelines for purchase & reimbursement: