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Meetups are intended to be a time for a small area, sub-area or cross-functional group to come together in a focused and strategic way.


Meetups are designed to complement the annual company retreat and encourage more face time during the year. Your team or cross-functional area may also organize a meetup for some focused, in-person work sessions.

Many teams will use this time for high-level vision, strategy and goal-setting. A “hackathon” style meetup focused specifically on one product or feature can be great too.

Each meetup group should approach this time with clearly stated objectives that are planned for and shared well in advance of your time together. This time together should result in meaningful collaboration that has a lasting impact.

Expectations for meetup attendees

In most cases, you’ll be expected to attend at least one meetup per year. Some folks, like members of the Product team and people leaders, will be expected to attend at least two meetups per year. To get a clear picture of what’s expected from you, talk to your lead.

Here are our overall expectations for meetups:

Planning your meetup

Each meetup should have a clear owner who manages the budget, works with the People & Finance team, and ultimately makes the final call on meetup decisions. This doesn’t have to be a lead; anyone can be an meetup owner!

For meetup planners: