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We love it when team members have side projects or side startups!


Side projects line up quite well with our value of focusing on self-improvement at Buffer, and our teammates have a lot of them!

If you have an idea or you’re working on something, feel free to share it with the team. We’re always keen to support you by cheering you on, being beta testers, and offering thoughts or advice. We even have a whole Slack channel dedicated to sharing about side projects! Visit #culture-side-projects to check it out.

Spending time on side projects: Since we don't track hours, you don't need to worry about doing side project work "after hours." As long as you're meeting all your accountabilities and objective at Buffer, your time is your own to use as you like.

Using resources for side projects: When you get equipment from us (Kindle, laptop, etc.) it's yours to own. That means you don't have to worry about doing side project work on your "Buffer laptop." When you leave the company, we want you to keep these items too.

Leaving Buffer to pursue your side project: If your project grows and you want to pursue it full-time, we’ll be excited for you! This has happened many times before and it’s one of the most gratifying things to see. If you let us, we might even invest in your company!

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Check out what everyone is working on here: ‣
