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One of our most well-known values at Buffer is 'Default to transparency.'


Default to transparency

Over the years, we have made as much of Buffer transparent as possible. This document is a collection of transparent pieces of the company, along with a timeline of the dates that they became transparent.

Elements at Buffer that are transparent

Finances and salaries

Workplace culture

Business and SaaS strategy



Here's an overview of the transparency timeline at Buffer, as you saw above, much of the company is transparent. Here's more of the story of when that happened and how it came about.


❤️ The first version of Buffer, the product, was launched November 30th, 2010. The launch appered on Hacker News as a part of the November Startup Sprint.


In early 2011, our co-founder CEO, Joel Gascoigne, publicly shared several milestones around Buffer users. He tweeted about reaching 500 signups in February and about 5,000 tweets sent using Buffer later that month. Then, in March, Buffer's first public roadmap was shared.
