One of the limitations of using Carta Compensation as our Market Data source is that Carta does not have every Buffer role available for benchmarking. This is especially true for Marketing and more specialized roles within Advocacy.

We tried several approaches to solving for this discrepancy. In the end, we decided that the most straightforward approach was to use the Carta data that was available and build upon it to establish our own data set for the missing roles.

We have two clear cases where we have found the need to establish our own roles that don’t exist in the Carta Market Data:

The categorization of all roles at Buffer into these 3 types exists in the Role Mapping tab of the Buffer Benchmarks spreadsheet.

How Role Mapping Works

The Role Mappings tab within Buffer Benchmarks contains three options for Role Type: Carta Role or Custom Role or Hybrid Role

The Role Mapping gives us the flexibility to create internal roles where we would otherwise not have enough data, or where we are creating a role that’s unique to Buffer.

Why Custom and Hybrid roles exist within Buffer Benchmarks and not in the Market Data spreadsheet

You will see that we’ve built in the concept of Custom and Hybrid roles into the Buffer Benchmarks spreadsheet itself (see Role Mapping tab) instead of having that live within the Carta data sheet. A few reasons for this: