<aside> đź’ˇ For an at-a-glance view of our Leave types and definitions, see Timetastic Guide & Leave Types.
Taking time off and recharging is critical to doing your best work. We’d love to help everyone on the team feel great about planning and taking restorative time away. Through Buffer’s Flexible Time Off Policy, teammates can take as much or as little time off as they want. There is no annual cap on paid flexible time off.
Vacation days (along with sick days and other types of leave) are not accrued. Please use your best judgement, and communicate with your team, about when and how to take time to step away from day-to-day work.
Please share plans in advance with your manager as soon as you’re able. Here’s a general schedule of how much notice is good to give.
(In situations where you aren’t able to give advance notice, such as illness or emergencies, let your manager know as soon as possible so they can arrange coverage.)
If your specific area at Buffer has its own considerations around vacations, please incorporate those into your thought process as well. For example: