
All US teammates are classified as exempt employees under US law.

As exempt employees you are not eligible for overtime pay or minimum wage.

As an exempt employee, you will receive a salary for the work you perform rather than an hourly rate. Meaning, Buffer pays exempt employees for the work they do instead of the number of hours they take to complete the task.

Your employment with Buffer is at will. This means your employment is for an indefinite period of time and it is subject to termination by you or Buffer, with or without cause, with or without notice, and at any time. Nothing in this policy or any other policy of Buffer's shall be interpreted to be in conflict with or to eliminate or modify in any way, the at will employment status of Buffer employees.

During onboarding, all US employees will sign an employment agreement outlining the full details of your employment with Buffer.

All UK teammates are classified as employees under UK law and are employed by our subsidiary, Buffer London Limited. During onboarding, all UK employees will sign an employment contract outlining the full details of your employment with Buffer.

All Canadian teammates are classified as employees of our Professional Employment Organization (PEO), Globalization Partners. During onboarding, all Canadian employees will sign an employment contract outlining the full details of your employment with Globalization Partners.


With the exception of the UK and Canada, all remaining international teammates are classified as consultants / independent contractors.

We don't require that our international teammates sign a formal contract. Instead, we’ll have you sign a consulting agreement and here’s an example of what this entails.

As a part of the on-boarding process we’ll also have you sign:

Currently, almost 30% of the Buffer team works as independent contractors. These teammates are all set-up either as freelancers/solopreneurs or have established their own company (e.g. LLC, Limited Liability Company) and bill Buffer as they would bill a client.

For purposes where you might need proof of employment, we provide team members with documents stating the details of our consultant arrangement. We use this for banks, visas and more.

Additionally, we have a pledge to team members that you can read over here: https://open.buffer.com/employment-agreement-pledge/.