What the Depend Stipend is and the purpose behind it

The dependent stipend is a benefit Buffer offers to those who have a dependent that relies on their salary. This is typically for parents at Buffer with kids, and is a recognition of the significant expense that children can bring. Our goal with this stipend is that those team members are able to get a little help, and therefore have more full focus on doing great work that contributes to Buffer’s success. The stipend is intended for use for expenses that relate to the dependent, though it is issued as a monetary stipend and its specific usage is not tracked.

How the Dependent Stipend is paid out

The dependent stipend is issued as a monthly stipend. The dollar amount is $250/mo per dependent and is issued separately from payroll on a cadence of 1x per month. Any change submitted during the month will be effective on the 1st of the following month and paid at the end of the month.

How the Dependent Stipend worked in our previous salary formula

In previous versions of our salary formula we included the Dependent Grant as part of the salary formula, and paid it out as part of payroll. The stipend is still part of Total Compensation but sits independent of the salary formula itself.

We believe this is more reflective of the spirit of the stipend: to support teammates who have dependents that rely on their income. Therefore, the stipend is not included in our annual salaries. This enables us to adhere to our Compensation Principles and in particular Simplicity and Fairness, where we can more easily see the differences in salaries separate from whether that team member has dependents or not.

How to utilize the Dependent Stipend

To start utilizing the dependent stipend or to change your number of dependents please complete our Family Fund form here.