FKA: Work Blueprint

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To explore other teammates’ Human User Guides, visit our Buffer Team page and click on the teammate's card. If they have a HUG created, it would be within their Notion card. If they don’t, you’re welcome to encourage them to create one if it would help your working relationship!


What is a ‘Human User Guide’?

Think of it as a shortcut for your teammates to get to know you better and for you to better work with your teammates. The HUG is intended to shorten the learning curve for understanding how to work with someone else on your team, be it a peer, direct report, or manager.

Here are some use cases:

While there are some questions to get you started below that we encourage everyone to include, you are welcome to customize yours however you’d like.

Sections we encourage every team member to include

The suggested responses are just that: suggested. You’re welcome to use this as a starting point and customize it, or start from scratch if you prefer. If you’re new to Buffer, you might not be sure about some of your preferences just yet. That’s no problem at all. Just put a note on those questions and then revisit your Human User Guide after a couple of months to look at them with new eyes.

While some information is duplicated here and in Slack, your Human User Guide should be the source of truth. Feel free to remove your duplicated notes in Slack if you don’t think you’ll remember to update them as circumstances change.

Suggested Template:

About you: (Anything you want to include on the personal side of things)

Social (and Start Page) links:

Current location & timezone: