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We have a fairly “traditional” software company structure. We group into teams, while maintaining a lot of communication and collaboration across the whole company.


Our teams are as follows:

Customer Advocacy

Also known as “support”.

“EPD”: Engineering, Product, and Design

These are three distinct teams that also work together in cross-functional working teams. Those teams typically have a PM (Product Manager), a Designer, and several Engineers.


This team covers Content, Growth, and Product Marketing.

People (also known as “HR”) and Finance

These teams cover most Operations.

We use this structure for organization, communication, and clarity. However, we also believe that the “chain of command” should not be the same as the “chain of communication.” We strive to communicate as much as possible in transparent channels so that anyone on the team can easily have context and contribute to a decision or a project.

Our most up-to-date Org Chart can be found in Zenefits.

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To see our team in more detail, visit:
