Buffer covers co-working space membership fees to encourage teammates to work where they’re happiest!

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Starting September 2024, Buffer will cover either a co-working space membership OR internet, but not both.


Given our team size and focus, we will not be updating this page regularly. If you are interested in a co-working space in your area, please do a little bit of research with a few co-working spaces to get a range. You can use the rates listed below as a general guide (we understand the rates listed will fluctuate given market conditions!).

In general, we will cover between $150-$400/mo for a co-working membership.

Once you’ve picked out your ideal spot, please run the final cost by the finance team (#help-people-finance) for advice and then update this page with your findings so that others can use it as a guide in the future.

Estimated Market Rates (per month)

For August 2024 Reimbursements September 2024 and onward
Buffer will cover a monthly co-working space AND internet. Buffer will cover either a co-working space membership OR internet, but not both.